What is a CAI Event?

You may not know what the CAI is. It’s certainly not the CIA, rather, the Community Association Institute. The CAI  is a global network of over 47,000 community managers, management company executives, homeowner leaders, and business partners. They are the ultimate resource for services designed to help your communities grow and thrive. If you’re reading this, you probably already know what the CAI is.

Our First CAI Event

Recently, I had the experience, and the fun, of attending my first networking event sponsored by the CAI. In some markets, like the Tennessee chapter, they have events at Top Golf, or perhaps, bowling. I’m not much of a golfer, or a bowler for that matter, but I did enjoy this event in Dallas. Since this is Texas, the event was held at Elm Fork Shooting Sports in Dallas. And we played golf… sort of. More like shotgun golf.

Yup, 9 holes of shooting skeet that are slung out at different angles, speeds and heights. The only difference is that, unlike golf, you want a high score. That means that you hit the most clays. Those are the little discs that fly out of nowhere when you yell “PULL”.


Image of networking team at a CAI event at elm fork shooting sports. 6 of us posing with our shotguns in front of Scoop Masters sign.

This is Our Team

We were paired up with Drew from Merit Landscape solutions, Daniel form Rustic Fence, Nancy from Blue Hawk Management, and Julio of Superior Lawns. We, being Tim and Tim II from Scoop Masters Los Angeles and Scoop Masters DFW respectively.

As a team, we were competing against other teams for the best score overall. Of course, we were all there to make connections with other people and their businesses. 

I still haven’t answered the title question, what to do at a CAI event. It’s basically networking. That is, getting to meet people in the trades and property managers of homeowner’s associations, and the occasional board member. Why? To meet them and let them know you exist as a company or service so that they will consider you when they need your services.

That’s what any networking event is about. Meeting new people and letting them know you are available to help them solve their problems. When that water pipe breaks, you need a plumber. When the common areas are turning brown, you need a landscaper. When the owners have to deal with dog poop, you call a professional pooper scooper like Scoop Masters.

Some People we Met

Networking events are not only to sell your services to property owners. I was able to meet a variety of people from all sorts of backgrounds and professions that I may be able to use personally. I talked to Shane from Dryer Vent Wizard, who cleans out dryer vents and ducts. And I learned that dryer sheets can be harmful to your dryer.

We were all fed by the kind folks at Lift-Texas Construction who sponsored a booth at the 3rd hole. We were watered and smoked by the gentlemen from Silversand Services. Bottled water and a decent cigar. At least I was told they were decent as I personally don’t smoke cigars. But I do eat! And they had some terrific munchies for us at the 7th hole.

Booth display for Lift-Texas Construction in Dallas at a CAI networking event. With some of their team members posing with an owner of Scoop Masters pet waste removal.
Scoop Masters pet waste removal owners posing with team members from Silversand Services at CAI networking event in Dallas, TX

The purpose of networking is not solely to gain new business. That may be the end game, but it’s much more. Networking is that process of gaining connections and learning about people. And them learning about you. That will lead to the old adage that people will do business with people they know, like and trust.

In Conclusion

All in all, it was a fun morning. Not only did we get to meet a lot of people while shooting guns, but we, meaning my son, Tim II, took first place in the overall shooting competition with a score of 92. Out of 100! Not bad. I scored a measly 54. Fortunately, that was not bad enough to take home the “Clay Conservation Award.” That went to Nancy with a score of… I promised her I wouldn’t tell!

Nancy from Blue Hawk Management posing with her Clay Conservation Award earned at a CAI networking event in Dallas, Texas
Tim II of Scoop Masters DFW being handed his first place shooting award at a CAI event in Dallas, Texas

As always, if you need advice, guidance or solutions to your community’s pet waste problems, Scoop Masters is here to help. That’s what we do. You might want to check out some of these other articles to help you with your pet waste problems.